Saturday, December 18, 2004

What am I doing?

I'm starting off this blog, just another of many. Why? Just because I'd like to say something every once in a while, I'd also like to remember more, sometimes. This blog isn't "public", in its common sense, but I guess that if you're reading it now, it's obviously public enough.
When I used to be a kid I had a diary, like most adolescents do. It was private but I remember that I always thought somebody could read it, so I always paid attention to what I was writing always thinking "would it make sense?", "would I look too weird?"
A diary was for me associated to not very easy periods of my life, and this is no exception. I won't talk here about any of my problems, though.
This time I'm writing in English, I don't know exactly why, probably because I'm thinking that I might eventually want to reach people from different parts of the world, and English happens to be fairly known all over the place. There will probably be some Italian too, some things just can't translate. Bear with me for my writing, and if you read something that doesn't make any sense, and you guess it's not proper English, I would appreciate if you would let me know.

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