Sunday, December 16, 2007

RSS and Atom feeds

I must be looking for an audience, this blog now also has a classic RSS feed:
As well as the standard Atom feed:
Given that I don't post that regularly, perhaps this can save somebody a trip :)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Known faces?

Maybe it's a sign that I'm working too much, but can anybody explain how come every time I see somebody walking down the street at first I think I recognize some co-worker?
But it gets worse. Sometimes even just seeing a sweater or shirt in a store instantly reminds me of somebody at work that wears that kind sweater or shirt.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Signs that we're getting old

The good

  • The old tube TVs don't whistle anymore, can't really hear that.
  • The watch doesn't collect scratches anymore, can't really see them.
  • If we buy something we don't need to open the box while still driving home.

The bad

  • It's now relatively hard to pick up a penny from the floor.
  • It's now very hard to remember how to adjust the stove clock for daylight savings.
  • If we buy something we don't need to open the box while still driving home.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Bigger schemes

It's hard to step back and look at the big picture, it's much easier to be just like the stupid spider who works all night weaving its marvelous web... on my doorway.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Things that I hate

  • When the power plug presents itself the other way around (big pin by the small hole.)
  • When the handrail of the escalator runs too fast (why is it never too slow?)
  • On bank machines when the side buttons don't line up with the grid on the screen.
  • When paying debit when I don't understand where the stripe is supposed to go.
  • Realizing that the staple that came out of the stapler last time I used it was actually the last staple in the stapler by finding myself with two sheets of paper badly bent in the corner as opposed to stapled together.
  • Sticky labels that won't come off or that come off by leaving all of their glue on the thing.
  • Any labels on underwear.
  • Being overdressed, especially when carrying bags.
  • During ads on TV, every time they use the word "Introducing..."
  • When I'm typing in my browser and the cursor pops to the beginning of the text box, just because the page is done loading.
  • When I accidentally hit the "insert" key and all of a sudden I start overwriting myself (who needs to overtype anyway?)
  • When I mumble something right before biting my sandwich and the person I'm talking with goes "Uh?" when I'm now chewing and I can't talk.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Thinking over -- this isn't really a blog

According to Wikipedia, a blog is a "web log", an online diary where entries are written in chronological order.

This blog is for me more of a place where to write down stupid things, so that they stop rambling in my head.   However, before I publish something, I always try to think it over for a while.   Take these posts for instance, some of them have been in the drafts for weeks before making their way to the blog; some of them never made it.   So no, I'm technically not a blogger.