Tuesday, April 12, 2005

More things that I hate

  • When I'm the last in line and nobody else arrives after me.
  • When I struggle to find the key, and it was actually already open.
  • When I run to catch the subway, I jump in, and then the train waits there for minutes with all the people staring at me.
  • When I forget what I was about to say.
  • When I forget what I was looking for.


  1. Great web page Paolo!
    I hate when I clean up my place and then can't find things. I also hate when I am late for an appointment and rush like crazy to get to the meeting place and then find out the person I was to meet is also late.

  2. Hi Paolo,
    I just remembered one thing I really hate that I wanted to share with you. This happens to me quite a bit because I live in a small community and am one of the only people of Asian descent here. I hate when you meet someone who knows you and you can't remember their name or how/if you have met before. So you sit there chatting with them anxiously trying to gain clues to their identity from the conversation. Then later you have to ask someone..."who the heck was that?". I hate this.

  3. I hate when I answer a question which wasn't for me but it sounded like it's me who is being asked ... like it happened yesterday --"some more wine? no grazie"..

    I'll return here, Paolo, I liked your place for random thougths.
