Saturday, March 19, 2005

Colours of numbers

0 is certainly black, and 1 is probably blue.  2 looks good in orange, but 3 is definitely yellow; 4 is almost certainly green, whereas 5 is red.  6 is cyan, and 7 is most likely white.  I'm not sure about 8 (probably brown), but 9 is surely purple.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if I agree with your ranking because I tend to take a more logical, scientific perspective and go from left to right in the order that the colours fall in terms of the EM spectrum. Therefore, 1 would be more red going through yellow, green, blue and purple the higher the numbers. So I guess I would also take 9 as purple!
    Of course now one must consider if white is indeed a colour and then there is the fact that if something is say red, it only appears that way to us because the object absorbs all wavelenghths of light except for is that really its colour?
    Life would be so much easier if we were dogs...the only "colours" would be black and white!
