Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Things that I like and hate, cont'd


  • Cracking bones, especially my knees. I do it in public too, people find it gross.

  • When things finish even, e.g. I need two cups of flour and I have enough flour to fill two cups.

  • In parkades, driving forward to the next stall when it's free. Canadian favorite, apparently.

  • Combining chores, as a way to be efficient: while I go there to do A, on the way back I can also do B.

  • When computers don't try to guess what I'm trying to do.

  • Static electricity.

  • People who listen to loud music in their headsets (and all I can hear is 'tsss... tsss... tsss...')

  • When walkways with long steps line up in such a way that I always use the same foot to go up or go down.

  • People who open glass doors by pushing with their flat hand on the glass instead of using the handle.

  • When people write "seperate" instead of "separate".

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