Thursday, November 29, 2007

People that I hate, cont'd

  • People that talk very loud even if they're standing 2 feet apart from each other.
  • People that spend an awful lot of time perfecting their coffee's cream and sugar levels when a line of people is waiting behind them; especially when they repeatedly taste the intermediate product.
  • People that play with their keys or with anything that makes an unnecessary noise while they wait.
  • People that walk around continuously snapping their fingers to make sounds.
  • People on the elevator dangerously standing by the door with their bags, wondering why the door doesn't close.
  • People that don't drive forward on the left turn lane when you're behind them and you know that there should be room for at least two cars.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Big favourites can save you a lot of time.   If you have a favourite colour, for instance, then you don't have to waste any time picking the colour -- certain decisions become 'no-brainers'.

Friday, November 23, 2007


For some odd reason, these two numbers (especially when I see them on segment displays) remind me of aliens...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

When I can't find something

When I can't find an object, a tool or something like that, I can't help but move my hands as if I was holding and using the object...   I read that when you think of performing an action or even you see somebody performing it, your brain activates similarly to when you actually do it.   My conclusion would be that perhaps my desire of using the object activates some motion areas of my brain, making my hands move.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Things that I like and hate, cont'd


  • Cracking bones, especially my knees. I do it in public too, people find it gross.

  • When things finish even, e.g. I need two cups of flour and I have enough flour to fill two cups.

  • In parkades, driving forward to the next stall when it's free. Canadian favorite, apparently.

  • Combining chores, as a way to be efficient: while I go there to do A, on the way back I can also do B.

  • When computers don't try to guess what I'm trying to do.

  • Static electricity.

  • People who listen to loud music in their headsets (and all I can hear is 'tsss... tsss... tsss...')

  • When walkways with long steps line up in such a way that I always use the same foot to go up or go down.

  • People who open glass doors by pushing with their flat hand on the glass instead of using the handle.

  • When people write "seperate" instead of "separate".

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


People love shopping, and shopping loves people.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I'm back!

It has been a while. What happened to me? Something really good, I met a special somebody and she became the only receptacle of my various ramblings. Was that good? Not really, she is wonderful but she also needs a break every now and then :) So here I am. Writing random thoughts again for the random reader that may or may not exist. Oh, and I have picked a new template, a little less stylish, but definitely more orange. Hope you'll enjoy some of this going forward.