Saturday, January 10, 2009

Minimum energy

One good thing about the snow is that it lets us see what portion of our streets we really need.   Similarly, it's interesting to observe cow-paths and the people-created walking paths in urban parks.

One good example that I remember is this little park in front of the Milan's Polytechnic University.   Here is the original image from Google Maps.

All of these examples follow just one simple rule: minimum energy.

  • shortest walk: connect common origins and common destinations
  • physical constraints: avoid obstacles (e.g. trees, light poles, puddles)
  • reinforcement: previously created paths offer clean, compacted soil
Perhaps landscape architects should let people find these natural paths?   One could even decide to leave the park without any paved paths for a few months, then pave the acceptable ones and block off those that are undesired.

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